Results for 'V. S. Sarviro'

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  1. Idei tretʹego tysi︠a︡cheletii︠a︡.V. S. Sarviro - 1998 - Novosibirsk: [S.N..
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  2. (1 other version)V. I. Lenin i suchasna fizyka.V. S. Gott - 1960
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  3. Chelovek, nauka, t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ii︠a︡: k semidesi︠a︡tiletii︠u︡ akademika V.S. Stepina.V. S. Stepin & I. T. Kasavin (eds.) - 2004 - Moskva: Kanon+.
  4. Nové podnety V sociálnej psychológii.V. S. Agejeva - 1984 - Filozofia 39 (1):121.
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  5. Obraz filosofii v XXI veke: materialy Letneĭ filosofskoĭ shkoly "Goluboe ozero-2001".V. S. Diev & N. S. Rozov (eds.) - 2001 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  6. Problema cheloveka v russkoĭ obshchestvennoĭ mysli: XIX--nachalo XX vv.V. S. Fedchin - 1993 - Irkutsk: Izd-vo Irkutskogo universiteta.
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    Spor o logike v universitetskoĭ filosofii Sankt-Peterburga nachala XX veka.V. S. Popova - 2010 - Kaliningrad: Rossiĭskiĭ gos. universitet im. I. Kanta.
    Издание адресовано научным работникам, преподавателям, студентам и аспирантам, а также практикам, интересующимся вопросами философии.
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  8. Teoreticheskoe i ėmpiricheskoe v nauchnom poznanii.V. S. Shvyrev - 1978 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  9. Idei︠a︡ "domostroi︠a︡" v dukhovnoĭ sudʹbe V.V. Rozanova.V. S. Sinenko - 2005 - Ufa: "Vostochnyĭ universitet".
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    Nauka, filosofii︠a︡, obshchestvo: V Rossiĭskiĭ filosofskiĭ kongress: materialy.V. S. Stepin (ed.) - 2009 - Novosibirsk: Parallelʹ.
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  11. Sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofskai︠a︡ antropologii︠a︡ v Rossii v XX veke.V. S. Fedchin - 1999 - Moskva: Irkutskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  12. Projecting sensations to external objects: Evidence from skin conductance response.V. S. Ramachandran - unknown
    Subjects perceived touch sensations as arising from a table (or a rubber hand) when both the table (or the rubber hand) and their own real hand were repeatedly tapped and stroked in synchrony with the real hand hidden from view. If the table or rubber hand was then ‘injured’, subjects displayed a strong skin conductance response (SCR) even though nothing was done to the real hand. Sensations could even be projected to anatomically impossible locations. The illusion was much less vivid, (...)
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  13. Otnoshenie materialʹnogo i idealʹnogo v obshchestve kak problema istorichesko materializma.V. S. Barulin - 1970
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  14. Sootnoshenie materialʹnogo i idealʹnogo v obshchestve.V. S. Barulin - 1977
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  15. Filosofskoe issledovanie i filosofskoe obrazovanie: smena paradigm v sovremennoĭ Rossii: materialy Letneĭ filosofskoĭ shkoly "Burmistrovo-2000".V. S. Diev & N. S. Rozov (eds.) - 2000 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. universitet, Filosofskiĭ fakulʹtet.
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  16. Perspektivy filosofii i filosofskogo obrazovanii︠a︡ v XXI veke: materialy letneĭ filosofskoĭ shkoly "Goluboe ozero-2002".V. S. Diev & N. S. Rozov (eds.) - 2002 - Novosibirsk: Novosibirskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  17. Genialʹnyĭ filosofsʹkyĭ tvir V. I. Lenina.V. S. Gott (ed.) - 1959
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  18. Sootnoshenie kategoriĭ sushchnosti i iavleniia v marksistsko-leninskoĭ filosofii.V. S. Nikitchenko - 1966
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    Mirovai︠a︡ ėlita: Kogo pusti︠a︡t v klub dli︠a︡ izbrannykh.V. S. Polikarpov - 2015 - Moskva: Algoritm. Edited by Elena Polikarpova.
  20. Obʺi︠a︡snenie i ponimanie v filosofii istorii.V. S. Shmakov - 2000 - Novosibirsk: Sibirskoe otdelenie RAN.
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  21. Taĭna geograficheskikh nazvaniĭ Zemli, ili, Puteshestvie v tʹmu vekov: kosmos, mify, prai︠a︡zyk.V. S. Smirnov - 1998 - Sankt-Peterburg: RIF "INTEGRAF".
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  22. Subʺekt, poznanie, dei︠a︡telʹnostʹ: k 70-letii︠u︡ V.A. Lektorskogo.V. S. Stepin & V. A. Lektorskiĭ (eds.) - 2002 - Moskva: Kanon+.
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    Vremi︠a︡ i informat︠s︡ii︠a︡: (vremi︠a︡ v informatike/virtualʹnoĭ realʹnosti i v informat︠s︡ionnykh prot︠s︡essakh filosofskiĭ, teoreticheskiĭ i prakticheskiĭ aspekty): Sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. S. Churakov (ed.) - 2011 - Novocherkassk: NOK.
    Издание содержит: научное изучение времени и информации; философское изучение времени и информации; практическое применение знаний о времени и информации и др.
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  24. Metodologicheskai︠a︡ funkt︠s︡ii︠a︡ materialisticheskoĭ dialektiki v sovremennom estestvoznanii.V. S. Lutaĭ (ed.) - 1978 - Kiev: Vishcha shkola.
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  25. Nauchnai︠a︡ kartina mira v kulʹture tekhnogennoĭ t︠s︡ivilizat︠s︡ii.V. S. Stepin - 1994 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t filosofii. Edited by L. F. Kuznet︠s︡ova.
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    Nauchnoe poznanie v sot︠s︡ialʹnom kontekste: izbrannye trudy.V. S. Stepin - 2012 - Minsk: BGU.
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  27. Nauchnye revoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii v dinamike kulʹtury.V. S. Stepin (ed.) - 1987 - Minsk: Izd-vo "Universitetskoe".
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    V. S. Stepin’s Concept of Post-Non-Classical Science and N. N. Moiseev’s Concept of Universal Evolutionism.V. I. Arshinov & V. G. Budanov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):96-112.
    The article is devoted to the memory of Vyacheslav Semenovich Stepin and Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseev, whose multifaceted work was integrally focused on philosophical, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research of the key ideas and principles of universal human-dimensional evolutionism. Other remarkable Russian scientists V.I. Vernadsky, S.P. Kurdyumov, S.P. Kapitsa, D.S. Chernavsky worked in the same tradition of universal evolutionism. While V.I. Vernadsky and N.N. Moiseev had been the originators of that scientific approach, V.S. Stepin provided philosophical foundations for the ideas of those (...)
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    Samostoi︠a︡nie cheloveka: "predmetnai︠a︡ dei︠a︡telʹnostʹ" v kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii Marksa i samodeterminat︠s︡ii︠a︡ individa.V. S. Bibler - 1993 - Kemerovo: "ALEF" Gumanitarnyĭ t︠s︡entr.
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  30. Uroki XX veka i putʹ v XXI vek: (sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofskiĭ analiz i prognoz).V. S. Semenov - 2000 - Moskva: Rosiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, Institut filosofii.
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  31. Sharpening up «the science of art».V. S. Ramachandran - 2001 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 8 (1):9-29.
    An interview with Anthony Freeman, in which one of the original authors of ‘The Science of Art’ [JCS, 6, No. 6/7, 1999] responds to to ongoing commentary.
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  32.  97
    Can vestibular caloric stimulation be used to treat apotemnophilia?V. S. Ramachandran & Paul McGeoch - unknown
    Summary Apotemnophilia, or body integrity image disorder (BIID), is characterised by a feeling of mismatch between the internal feeling of how one’s body should be and the physical reality of how it actually is. Patients with this condition have an often overwhelming desire for an amputation- of a specific limb at a specific level. Such patients are not psychotic or delusional, however, they do express an inexplicable emotional abhorrence to the limb they wish removed. It is also known that such (...)
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  33.  79
    A simple method to stand outside oneself.V. S. Ramachandran - manuscript
    Here we outline a simple method of using two mirrors which allows one to stand outside oneself. This method demonstrates that registration of vision with touch and proprioception is crucial for the perception of the corporeal self. Our method may also allow the disassociation of taste from touch, proprioception, and movement.
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  34. The emergence of the human mind: Some clues from synesthesia.V. S. Ramachandran & E. M. Hubbard - 2005 - In Robertson, C. L. & N. Sagiv, Synesthesia: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. pp. 147--190.
  35.  7
    Filosofskoe tvorchestvo v sot︠s︡iokulʹturnoĭ proekt︠s︡ii: k 80-letii︠u︡ akademika V.S. Stepina.A. N. Danilov & V. S. Stepin (eds.) - 2014 - Minsk: "Pravo i ėkonomika".
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  36. Sot︠s︡iokulʹturnai︠a︡ realʹnostʹ: spektr analiticheskikh podkhodov: nauchnai︠a︡ shkola V.S. T︠S︡ukermana.V. S. T︠S︡ukerman (ed.) - 2008 - Cheli︠a︡binsk: Izdatelʹskiĭ dom "Grotesk".
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  37.  43
    Education like breach between past and future.V. S. Voznyak & N. V. Lipin - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 17:98-109.
    Purpose. The article aimed at comprehending the phenomenon of education in its anthropological content, by comparing two versions for the analytics of the crisis state in education, given by Hannah Arendt and Evald Ilyenkov. Theoretical basis. For implementing this task, the method of in-depth reflexive reading of texts is used, when traditional academic concepts are considered in a new context determined by the analytics of real social problems. In this case, we are talking about the development of thinking not only (...)
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  38.  47
    Three Laws of Qualia.V. S. Ramachandran & William Hirstein - 1999 - In Shaun Gallagher, Models of the Self. Thorverton UK: Imprint Academic. pp. 83.
    Neurological syndromes in which consciousness seems to malfunction, such as temporal lobe epilepsy, visual scotomas, Charles Bonnet syndrome, and synesthesia offer valuable clues about the normal functions of consciousness and ‘qualia’. An investigation into these syndromes reveals, we argue, that qualia are different from other brain states in that they possess three functional characteristics, which we state in the form of ‘three laws of qualia ’ based on a loose analogy with Newton’s three laws of classical mechanics. First, they are (...)
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  39.  23
    The Main Proceedings of the Round Table on “Reason vs Post-Truth: Ontology, Axiology, Geopolitics”.V. S. Levytskyy - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (3):101-109.
    The proceedings of the Round Table on "Reason vs Post-Truth: Ontology, Axiology, Geopolitics".Authors of the proceedings:V.V. Mironov K.K. Momdzhyan A.V. Belokobylskyi A.P. Kozyrev O.A. Efremov M.V. Bratersky A.V. Pilko V.S. Levytskyy.
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    Age Discrimination as a Threat to the Anthropological Absolute of Human Being.V. S. Blikhar & N. M. Hren - 2021 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 20:28-38.
    Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the anthropological and socio-philosophical dimensions of human existence of the older age group given the challenges of pandemic threats caused by COVID-19. To this end, it is planned to solve a number of tasks, among which one should distinguish the following: 1) to investigate the manifestations of age discrimination in the context of the social and labor areas of human existence; 2) to focus on the asymmetry of the behavior of society (...)
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    (1 other version)Filling in Gaps in Logic: Some Comments on Dennett.V. S. Ramachandran - 1993 - Consciousness and Cognition 2 (2):165-168.
  42. Phantom penises in transsexuals.V. S. Ramachandran & Paul D. McGeoch - 2008 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 15 (1):5-16.
    How the brain constructs one's inner sense of gender iden-tity is poorly understood. On the other hand, the phenomenon of phantom sensations-- the feeling of still having a body-part after amputation--has been much studied. Around 60% of men experience a phantom penis post-penectomy. As transsexuals report a mismatch between their inner gender identity and that of their body, we won-dered what could be learnt from this regarding innate gender-specific body image. We surveyed male-to-female transsexuals regarding the incidence of phantoms post-gender (...)
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  43.  36
    Anthropological sphere of human existence: Restrictions on human rights during pandemic threats.V. S. Blikhar & I. M. Zharovska - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 18:49-61.
    Purpose. The article is aimed to study the anthropological, socio-philosophical and philosophical-legal dimensions of the ontological sphere of human life within the discourse of restricting human rights during pandemic threats. To do this, one should solve a number of tasks, among which are the following: 1) to explore the anthropological and praxeological understanding of fear as a primary component of human existence in a pandemic, which prevents people from changing their lives for the better and healthier, having fun and happiness; (...)
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  44.  20
    Rethinking the Logic of Security: Liberal Realism and the Recovery of American Political Thought.V. S. Tjalve & M. C. Williams - 2015 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2015 (170):46-66.
  45. The Heart of Reality: Essays on Beauty, Love, and Ethics by VS Soloviev.V. S. Soloviev - 2003 - Ars Disputandi 3.
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  46. Apraxia, metaphor and mirror neurons.V. S. Ramachandran - unknown
    Summary Ideomotor apraxia is a cognitive disorder in which the patient loses the ability to accurately perform learned, skilled actions. This is despite normal limb power and coordination. It has long been known that left supramarginal gyrus lesions cause bilateral upper limb apraxia and it was proposed that this area stored a visualkinaesthetic image of the skilled action, which was translated elsewhere in the brain into the pre-requisite movement formula. We hypothesise that, rather than these two functions occurring separately, both (...)
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  47. Problema lichnosti v filosofskom nasledii D.I. Pisareva.V. O. Goshevskii & V. S. Nikonenko - 1987 - Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta. Edited by V. S. Nikonenko.
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  48. Chelovek i istorii︠a︡ v srednevekovoĭ filosofskoĭ mysli russkogo, ukrainskogo i belorusskogo narodov: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ (ed.) - 1987 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  49. Filosofii︠a︡ v ukraïnsʹkiĭ kulʹturi: metodolohii︠a︡ ta istorii︠a︡.V. S. Horsʹkyĭ - 2001 - Kyïv: T︠s︡entr praktychnoï filosofiï.
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  50. Metod gipotez v istorii nauchnogo poznanii︠a︡.I. P. Merkulov & V. S. Shvyrev - 1984 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka". Edited by V. S. Shvyrev.
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